About Us

About us

Mandela Community Development Programme

This is a Non Governmental Organization registered under the Kenyan law. Established in 2005, the organization is concerned with environmental conservation, climate change management and socioeconomic issues.
It focuses on adaptations to climate change effects and takes into much consideration on afforestation and water harvesting as mitigations of climate change.
Through awareness programs, the organization aims at enhancing the quality of the environment, promote climate change adaptation and improve people’s livelihoods. In particular, it focuses on the social concerns of the vulnerable communities and on environmental conservation to help achieve sustainable development.
The organization has created a network of stakeholders such as County governments, Civil Society Organizations, Indigenous Groups and Community Based Organizations to build synergy towards conservation of the environment and socioeconomic development. Our partnership enables us to promote environmental integrity and collectively address climate change for sustainable development.

Mandela Community Development Programme has an office in Kyeeko, Matiliku in Makueni county and another in Nairobi. Main goals

  • Provision of community water for humans, livestock and irrigation
  • Mitigation and adaptation to climate change effects
  • Conservation of environment mainly through tree planting
  • Promotion of green energy based on clean development mechanisms and carbon trading

    In the recent past, we received funding of Ksh 16million from Japan Embassy, Tana Athi Water Services and postal corporation of Kenya.

    This enabled the drilling and equipping of a borehole and high altitude steel pressed tank capacity…. ..cubic, a 6km pipeline network, 11 water kiosks and 7 cattle troughs. All these serving 2000 people.

Overall Objective

To mobilize, coordinate and implement integrated activities to address the effects of climate change for sustainable livelihoods in rural arid and semi arid regions of Kenya.

Specific Objective

1. To mobilize and build the capacity of local vulnerable communities through awareness creation by offering technical assistance including training for socioeconomic development.

2. To coordinate and build synergy with stakeholders both in county and national government towards promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation.

3. To carry out reforestation and afforestation initiatives and promote mitigation of climate change.

4. To promote rainwater harvesting projects aimed at addressing water insecurity both water quality and quantity among the communities in rural and urban setups

5. To ensure that Gender concerns and needs of marginalized groups are taken into considerations in policy formulation and implementation both at county and national level.


To be a leading organization in ensuring an environment free from the threat of climate change through promotion of environmental conservation and sustainable development in rural Kenya.


To promote reduction of global warming by working with rural communities in promoting environmental conservation, rainwater harvesting and use of affordable renewable energy.


Public participation